ANS là đại lý chính hãng VIBCO tại Việt Nam - chuyên cung cấp sản phẩm Máy rung công nghiệp SFC-10S 100-3,SFC-100-1 VIBCO-ANS VIET NAM


100% USA Origin Vibco Vietnam Model: SFC-100-3
End Mount Electric Vibrator
100% USA Origin Vibco Vietnam Model: SFC-100-1
End Mount Electric Vibrator
100% USA Origin Vibco Vietnam Model: SFCM
 Predrilled steel mounting plate. Recommended for easy installation on SFC vibrators.
100% USA Origin Vibco Vietnam Model: SC-9
 Safety Cable (Replaces SC-2)
100% USA Origin Vibco Vietnam Model: 2X1CH-IN
 *Mounting Channel to be used in conjunction with Mounting
 Plate for proper installation of Vibrator. 
100% USA Origin Vibco Vietnam Model: SB1/063-10/4
 3 Phase IEC Rated Full Voltage Manual Push Button Starter,
 complete with properly sized overload protection (0.63 - 1.0 amps).
 IP55 Enclosure (5-3/4" x 3-3/8" x 3-1/2"). 
100% Korea Origin Wise Control Vietnam Ordering code: R222PQ7E91XRCA9
 - Loại đầu Explosion proof (Double conduit)
 Ex Proof Head